users, product, sales

Hi, I'm Jamie.

A passionate, curious optimist having fun building tech products that solve problems.

Brighton Music Conference panel Wired article excerpt Slide Slide User testing photo life at sk

My Work


From customer support intern to director of product partnerships, via;

  • Launching Songkick Detour, a crowdfunding platform for concerts.
  • Introducing Songkick's primary ticketing and scaling it to over 30% of concerts in the UK.
  • Product partnership deals with the likes of Spotify, Shazam and Pandora.
  • I loved the Songkick team and I learned everything I could from them about product, growth, sales and getting shit done.


    Setting out to build my own thing. Awne set out to solve a problem we saw in relationship health; 'Why, in a world where there are 1000’s of dating apps, is there nothing to help keep relationships healthy?'.

    We went hard at the problem, executing from a bunch of hypothesis on a whiteboard to an early product out in the wild. Ultimately we took the hard decision to close it down (#failfast)


    I then spent time at Facebook as part of the 18-month RPM program. My goal was to experience working on both mature and greenfield products within an established but fast-paced engineering & product driven tech company. I got everything I wanted (and more!) from the experience which made it really hard to leave.


    I joined Distributed to help them achieve their mission of changing how the world works. 🚀


    Me an email.


    Me on Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.